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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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The Lovers

The main highlight of today was re-watching “梁祝” (The Butterfly Lovers). I watched it years ago - the version featuring Nicky Wu (吴奇隆) & Charlie Yeung (杨采妮).


Even though I haven’t watched the new version featuring Wu Zun & Charlene Choi, I still feel the Nicky-Charlie version is awesome. The emotions, the forbidden feelings, the true love … It’s a truly touching story.

On the same note, I just completed a novel today, “ The Time Traveler’s Wife ” by Audrey Niffeenegger.


It’s about a man, Henry DeTamble, who has a genetic disorder which causes him to involuntarily time travel every now & then. Through his time travels, he is 36 years old when he meets Clare Abshire, who is 6. When he is in real-time, he meets Clare when he is 28 years old and she is 20 years old, not knowing that she has known him almost her entire life. They conduct a romantic relationship in the most trying of circumstances.

The story is bittersweet love in its truest form. Even as Henry time travels, Clare always waits for him. And she is left waiting till the very end. You have to read it to understand it. And it is a truly difficult love to suffer for.


Today I got a phone call - an assignment to play a calefare rolewith lines in the new Channel U Drama, “一切完美II” (Perfect Cut 2) . Will be in a scene opposite Julian Hee.

Sigh. I’m thankful for these opportunities, but I’m waiting for my big break, as my mum calls it. Actually I’d be happy to be a working actor, with a continual supply of acting roles. Yet, deep inside, every actor hopes for something more, something bigger. More recognition.

I desperately wanted to be in this feature film, “千言万语” (More Than Words) , which is filming this year. But I blew the audition. I think I really didn’t do well enough, and I’d be happy to get a supporting role now. praying hard I know I’ve only been officially in this line for 3 1/2 months, but I can’t help but hope for more open doors.

I’ve woken up to the fact that I’ll probably not get traditionally cutesy female roles, but I’m angling for the strong, independent, feminine roles. That is my strength. Can’t help but get jealous of the bubbly, cute female actors though. Sigh. What to do?



When I was filming “Housewives Holiday” on 26 Dec, I caught wind of a tiny gossip involving me. It’s really funny. ‘Cos the MediaCorp bus driver was kind enough to treat me to ice lemon tea that day while we were waiting, and he chatted with me about my “Incredible Tales” shoot. He happened to be our bus driver for that shoot too.

Then he commented that the crew thought I was the “Incredible Tales” AD (Asst Director)’s girlfriend! my jaw dropped “How could that be possible??” It turns out the gossip mill started churning when the AD sent me home after one late-night shoot.

The AD stays very near to me, ‘k? And he is married!! Laura hits her own forehead, in mock distress


Okay. Still praying for more acting work. And a feature film. Please please please … …

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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October 9, 2008