I filmed Incredible Tales 6: “The Ride Home” 18 months ago, and it finally got its air-time on Channel 5 last Saturday, 10 Apr. This was one of my first projects when I started out on my professional acting career, so it is my “baby”, so to speak. I remember staying on Pulau Ubin overnight till 5a.m. before I shot my scene. That was pretty memorable.
I also found a few industry friends through this shoot. An introduction to the circle, of sorts. But, basically Incredible Tales is a collection of supernatural stories. “The Ride Home”is based on an oft-heard story about drivers picking up female passengers/hitchhikers by the side of the road late at night – and these female passengers often turn out to be ghosts from the other realm. But, are they really?
From the photos below, maybe you can get an idea of my role.
A word of warning though:
“Do not judge a book by its cover.”
Click here to watch “The Ride Home”
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT