Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Waking Early

I haven’t done this for some time. Waking at 5:30 a.m., that is. Usually I only manage to sleep at that time. Which is why it was such torture dragging myself out of bed this morning, when my brain was crying out, “Ten more minutes! Just ten more minutes!”

I think part of the reason why it was so difficult is ’cause I only fell asleep at 3:30 a.m. last night. I was watching the final Formula One race in Brazil, and although I was happy that Hamilton won, the ending was really lucky for him.

Anyway, I went to church and frankly, I must discipline myself to pray even more tomorrow morning. That’s the purpose of early morning prayer meetings, right? It’s just that I’m nestled upstairs in the comfort of the Media Room. But I am determined to commit more time to prayer, especially these few mornings.

Anyway, the after-effects of this early morning start meant that I slept my way on and off throughout the rest of the day. By the time I came to my rehearsal at night, I was drained of energy and below-par, as my producer commented. Later he said, “You’re a great actress, and you won’t want to ruin your performance because you’re tired.” So, I need to rest more.

But, of course, I’m going to continue attending the early morning prayer meetings, and draw strength from Him. :) 

Maybe I should start waking up earlier during normal days, and keep more regular hours. I need to rest more, and live a healthy lifestyle. Takes lots of discipline. And Laura & Discipline don’t really mix. Oh well, I’ll try my best. One step at a time. Ha.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008