If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the past year, it is to never stay idle. Rest & ‘me’ time is okay, once in awhile, but idleness never produced results.
I also learnt to create opportunities, instead of waiting around for stuff to happen. It’s like waiting for money to fall from the sky – things won’t change unless you do something.
Word Films has been a blessing, and a way to stay busy. Moving into the role of Producer is tiring & stressful & hectic & a million and one other adjectives, but it is fun nonetheless. And I’m just hoping the final product will prove to be worth it.
I’m assembling a team of committed individuals, under the Word Films’ principle of collaborative efforts – creating opportunities, utilising talents, telling stories that need to be told.
Production dates have been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, but barring no further incidents, we should be good for Production on 29-31 October . And I can’t wait! It’s like carrying a baby to term, and going through all the preparation work & exercises, just hoping for a beautiful & healthy baby at the end of the day. That’s exactly the way I feel!
“Beautifully Integrated”
I can hardly wait.
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT