Just started filming for CUBIK on Saturday. It’s a packed schedule, and I’ll be filming from 3p.m. - 2a.m. today. There goes my birthday!
sigh But I’m glad I’ll spend it doing something I love. And I’ll get to sit in a Lamborghini on my birthday!
Hopefully, I’ll get some good news from the auditions I’ve done, too. Although I know it’s been almost 2 weeks, so I should give up hope. But I’m still praying. It’s beyond my natural strength, only God can open the doors now. Please, God. As my birthday wish?
Last Thursday, I had some fun. Filmed an “intimate” scene in a backpackers’ hostel. Intimate scenes are not really intimate, ‘cos there’re so many people present. It’s not romantic at all. Haha. But it was fun, partly ‘cos my co-actor is quite young, and so he was quite nervous and embarassed. But it went well, thankfully.
After that scene, I went off with a producer from my next short film, CUBIK. He brought me to Changi Sailing Club, where I got to view two ships we may be filming on. One of them is really cool!
It’s a schooner, owned by Captain Blake. A real classic ship. Beautiful.
The night rehearsal at a warehouse went well too. Although I was left sneezing non-stop by the end of the rehearsal, probably because of all the dirt & dust. ahhhh choooo!
Friday morning/afternoon was spent at Republic Polytechnic. I’ll be working with some of their students on their Final Year Project - a stage play based on
“Wicker Park”
. I managed to get a really good chat with them over lunch, about their dreams and future career paths. Really enjoy talking to others about their futures, and encouraging them to follow their dreams.
Finally at night, my CG celebrated my birthday for me in advance, as I wasn’t able to attend service this weekend, due to my shoot. I was really blessed by their prayer of blessing for me, and the book they got me - “DARE to DREAM … then do it” by John C. Maxwell.
My dream is really to inspire others to pursue their dreams.. and I’m glad I’ve managed to do that in a small way this year. I’ve completed SOT and fulfilled a promise I made to God. I’ve finally made the decision to pursue my dream, no matter what it takes. I’ve decided to multiply the talents that God has placed in me.
“The road is long
The valley’s deep
The ocean’s wide
In front of me
BUT GOD saved the day
Jesus, You’re the Way
The Truth, The Life
The Hope for all mankind”
Instead of moping around, and wondering why I haven’t got the callbacks I desire, I’ve decided to put it in God’s hands and look for even more auditions. This is my career. Acting is my work. As Sarah Tay has just messaged me,
“If you do what you love, you’ll always consider it as playtime!” How true. My work is my play, and my play is my work. Thank You, God, for putting this passion in me.
Finally, although it’s a bit late, these are my Birthday Wishes:
Manchester United Jersey
Manchester United Match Tickets & Trip to the UK!
Spa Package
Teeth Whitening
New Macbook Battery
Books by John Grisham/Jeffrey Archer
Another year older, another year wiser.
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT