Lez Ann Chong
演员, 配音艺术家, 主持人
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The Buttery Surface - Virgins

I'm in Singapore filming at the Butter Factory. The cast and crew are such incredible people! Adrian Pang, VondikeyVardi (pseudonym), Pam Oei, Serene Chen, Sue Turdoff and Shelley Hirst as DP - just to name a few who are part of this project. Man..  getting my hair done again - this time, JET BLACK. I feel very asian right now... Day 1 of shoot completed! Had a blast!Will need to get some production shots and post them up here - very disturbing images of me in a _______.  so watch this space! Bring on Day 2 and 3! and then... to The Great Singapore Sale I go before I fly off to KL on the 16th. grins

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 51673
haha have fun with the best in town pal!
大约 13 年 ago
Lezannchong 3a lezannchong
heya yubes!!! come visit us at butter if ur free! we'll be there till late again today! superheroes!?? i like... hahaha
大约 13 年 ago


Where there is love, there is life. - Gandhi PORN MASALA won the Audience Choice Award at the Gotham International Film Festival in New York and was official


english, cantonese, mandarin, malay
June 21, 2008