Official Artist
Yu-Beng Lim
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as some of you know, lighting design is one of my great loves. i usually design one big show a year, often opera, because it affords me the scale and spectacle to keep the design processes working really hard! otherwise my mind doesn't get enough exercise, haha!

so this year it's the fabulous french opera CARMEN. most of you know the passionate tale of the wilful gypsy girl and the lovesick soldier. it's gonna be a very different look from past operas i've lit, like TURANDOT



CARMEN will have very minimal set, so the imagery will be carried largely by lighting and projection. i'm excited! it's a director i like working for, a company i know well, and brilliant singers from around the world.

so if you're in singapore 21st to 25th january, come see! it won't be your average night on the town, for sure!


about 14 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Koolcampus 25 logo kteam medium
GREAT NEWS, wish I can be in SINGAPORE then. But if not, here wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and ONE HAPPY NEW YEAR!
about 14 years ago
Photo 402234
Looks amazing! All the best to you!
about 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great visuals!
about 14 years ago
Photo 51673
haha yes that was from madama butterfly. carmen is setting up now! we open friday!
about 14 years ago
Photo 51673
hey thanks! still got heaps to do!
about 14 years ago
wow, it must have been spectacular!
about 14 years ago
Photo 102336
So cool!
almost 14 years ago
Photo 553278
carmen is one of my faves... I just love it when she gives the baddy what for.. and throws flowers in his face.. I would love to see chinois style.. j'aime !
almost 14 years ago


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