ok i have always kept my stuff on aNd purely work related, simply because that's what i am most interested in, but i guess this is kinda distantly linked, so i'll put it in. some people have asked about my hobbies. and the reason i don't fill out that section in the info bar is, frankly, i have none. i just work and go home. but i do love riding, and i never have time to take my bike to the racetrack, although if i had the time, i'd do it every week.
i love being on the track. and here's where it gets a little weird (but kinda work-related). i think when i'm on the track that it teaches me something about acting. something about life, actually. i love carving the curves, trying to get that perfect line, knowing when to push and when to hold back for max effect. it ain't the speed, or the power, it's the manouvre and control, the beauty of the turn, that gets me. and when i'm tipping into a killer bend, i know i can't pull away, or shy from it. that'll make me fall right over. you gotta go head first into it; that's the only way to balance, to lead with the need, and face it head on. and then, it all makes sense. acting. life. confluence.
ok so enough of that. the work-related bit is, much as i am generally known as a dramatic actor, i love action so much i'd be very happy doing biker movies! i am usually in heavy plays, but if i have time to watch a movie, chances are you'll catch me watching action. for fun. ok fun and choreography!
ok so here's me hard at it. i haven't done it for a long time, but i'm so eager to get out there and burn it this week, i'm blogging about it now!