Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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I did it and I didn't poo my pants in the process!!|我成功啦而且整個過程沒有出糗!!|我成功啦而且整个过程没有出糗!!

So I finally did it. I took my hosting skills public. Ya see, usually I do it in front of a camera and one camera dude, not in front of a large, oh so very large, crowd. So this was my first forray into true professional public speaking. It's kind of ironic that this is the type of work I have chosen to pursue because as a child and teenager I was painfully shy. I had a phobia of doing speeches in class or of singing in the class play. But all these years later I think I finally kicked that fear. Sure, the days before the award show I was rife with anxiety. And yes, the moment before I stepped on the stage the first time, I didn't know if i would make it. Passing out seemed like an inevidability. But amazing to say, I made it. And apparently I didn't do too bad either. Oh what a relief that is!!

So here is a picture of myself and my partners in crime, Derek and Terence. This is the MC Mafia. Yea, we look so bad ass!

Ok, so I do look like a giant but damn it we look tough :-)!

Here we are being "demure" and "classy". Two words NOT usually associated with me, but I tried my best to be a "lady"...

                                            |           我最終成功了。公開展示我的主持技巧。你知道,通常我都是在一架攝影機和一位攝影師面前主持,而不是在一大群人,oh,如此多的一群人面前。所以這是我首

次嘗試專業性公開主持。有點兒諷刺的是我選擇的這項工作類型因為年少時的我非常害羞。我十分恐懼課堂發言,也不敢在班級游戲中唱歌。但是這些年過去了我想 我最終戰勝了恐懼。當然,在頒獎禮前幾天我還是焦慮萬分。而且,在我首次登台的前一刻,我不知道我是否能做好。暈倒看起來理所當然。但是驚嘆一句,我成功 了。而且看起來我也沒表現的太糟糕。Oh,真是個解脫!!

這是我和犯罪同伙Derek 以及 Terence的合照。黑手黨主持人。



                                |           我最终成功了。公开展示我的主持技巧。你知道,通常我都是在一架摄影机和一位摄影师面前主持,而不是在一大群人,oh,如此多的一群人面前。所以这是我首

次尝试专业性公开主持。有点儿讽刺的是我选择的这项工作类型因为年少时的我非常害羞。我十分恐惧课堂发言,也不敢在班级游戏中唱歌。但是这些年过去了我想 我最终战胜了恐惧。当然,在颁奖礼前几天我还是焦虑万分。而且,在我首次登台的前一刻,我不知道我是否能做好。晕倒看起来理所当然。但是惊叹一句,我成功 了。而且看起来我也没表现的太糟糕。Oh,真是个解脱!!

这是我和犯罪同伙Derek 以及 Terence的合照。黑手党主持人。



over 15 years ago 0 likes  39 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
You did a great job, I wouldn't have guess that you had any fears at all. Congrats on overcoming your fear. It wasn't easy for me, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.
over 15 years ago
Photo 33427
I suffered from chronic agoraphobia for a few years ... I live in a crowded city, own a packed little club and used to tour as DJ. Dumb, dumb career choices! Got over it eventually. Best of luck.
over 15 years ago
Congrats again! Definitely good you didn't poo yourself...would have ruined the dress and shoes.
over 15 years ago
Simonbirch 4e simonbirch
who's the chick in the photo? she kinda looks like you but she's clearly a proper lady. sb x
over 15 years ago
wow ... cool !!!
over 15 years ago
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you are always classy!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 319485
You look beautiful! Great dress and Photos! ~Shairah~
over 15 years ago
Photo 446869
Tht was awesome..I guess working in front of the cam most of the time helps u overcome ur fear. Nonetheless u look stunning! Gr8 dress there ^^
over 15 years ago
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over 15 years ago


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