Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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Long time no blog... | 很長時間沒寫博客…

Alright. My fingers are a little rusty but I think I can do this. Yes, its been a while. I've been very busy doing stuff. In between all that stuff I went to Hawaii with the AnD boys and others, worked on my tan, caught up on some sleep, and watched Finishing The Game. That movie's got style! It's also hilariously funny. A definite must see if it comes to a theater near you! Anyways, I'm sure you've read enough about Hawaii from everybody else's blog, so all I need to say is it ROCKED!

Came back to Hong Kong for four days of work and then off I went to Taipei to work for Piaget. It was a full hectic three days, but it was made so much easier because I was with my friends Ana and Rosemary. So we arrived in Taipei and were shuttled to a shoot for a magazine cover.

| 好吧,我的指頭有點生銹了,但寫這個應該沒問題。是啊,很久沒寫博客了,我最近非常忙。抽空跟AnD男生及其他朋友去了夏威夷,把自己曬成古銅色,補充睡眠,還欣賞了《Finishing The Game》,電影很不錯而且生動有趣!如果你家附近有電影院在上映這部,絕對要去看!相信你已經從不少人的博客了解到這次的夏威夷之旅了,我只需說真的很棒!


One thing I love about Taiwan makeup artists and hair stylists is that they are fast and good at what they do.

Then we went to a hotpot restaurant. Anyone who knows me won't be surprised as I am a hotpot FREAK! So I forced Ana, Rosemary, and our "entourage" to go after the shoot at 11p.m. In Taiwan, people usually eat hotpot very late at night so this isn't highly unusual, but they were all pretty exhausted. Anyways, it was Ana's birthday so it gave us a chance to embarass her in front of a room full of curious Taiwanese and sing Happy Birthday in English at the top of our lungs.

| 我喜歡臺灣化妝師和發型師的原因之一是他們做事又快又好。


On the day of the show we had an endless day of press conference, photo shoot, video shoot, and then party. The press conference part was fun because we each had to play different characters instead of walking a normal runway. I was nervous cause I ain't no dancer! Ana and Rosemary are much more coordinated then I could ever dream to be, but I think I did OK. Someone who was watching from the audience said that I didn't look like a clumsy oaf.

So my character was a singer from the good ol' days of big bands...

| 演出那天我們連軸轉:新聞發布會、拍照、拍video、party。新聞發布會很有意思,我們不是通常的走臺步,而是扮演不同角色。我有點緊張,因為我不會跳舞! Ana和Rosemary很配合,我假設自己是舞者,覺得做得還可以。臺下站在觀眾席的人告訴我說看起來還不錯。


Then we did a few hours of shoots, and given an hour of rest before we had to get ready for the party. Quick makeup, hair, and outfit changes, and PRESTO!

| 接著我們用了好幾個小時拍照,休息一小時後又為party做準備。快速化妝、做發型、換裝,極速的快板!

Once inside we were treated to a show by Sally Yeh. Her voice is incredible! And then we were handed casino chips and let loose on some table games. It's so fun to gamble when you aren't using your own money!

| 我們欣賞了葉倩文的演出,她的嗓音真美!接著我們拿到一些籌碼,可以在賭桌前隨意玩玩。我發現不用自己的錢賭博更好玩!

Next day, 7a.m. call time. I was not a happy camper, but after some caffeine, doughnuts, and hair and makeup, I think I was much more congenial.

| 最後一天,早上7點就被叫醒。我不是熱愛露營的人,但喝過咖啡、吃過甜甜圈、做完頭發和妝容之後,感覺好多了。

Then rushed to the airport and then back to HK. Whirlwind three days. Didn't even notice that it was Halloween. Heard it was crazy as usual. Guess there's always next year...

| 然後沖到飛機場飛回香港,就這麽旋風般過了3天,都沒註意到是萬聖節。聽說跟以往一樣瘋狂,希望明年能參加…

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  28 comments  0 shares
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another great blog! you had a three day halloween fest, you didn't miss anything!
almost 17 years ago


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August 27, 2005
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