Had a really fun day the other day shooting for Scene and Heard on Channel V! We were shooting at the Asian Gaming Show which showcases new up and coming video games, consoles, and toys galore. All my favorite things! Yes, I'm a gamer, and I'm unashamed . I spend countless hours playing World of Warcraft, some may even call me an addict. I've been playing video games since the Atari, so its been a long standing love affair. So, I completely understood all these kids at the convention. I too have a love for video games. I don't dress up in little outfits to declare my love, but I get it.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of some of the nuttier and elaborate outfits, but Melvin, my producer on the shoot, snapped a few for me...
|之前在Channel V 錄制Scene and Heard節目讓我度過了非常愉快的一天。我們在亞洲遊戲展現場進行拍攝,那裏展示著大量最新遊戲、遊戲手柄和玩具。這些都是我的最愛!沒錯,我是一個遊戲玩家,而且不覺得慚愧 我夜以繼日的玩魔獸,一些人甚至說我上癮了。從雅達利時期我就開始玩遊戲,所以這算得上是一個長期的愛好了,所以我非常理解展覽會上的孩子們。我也深愛著遊戲。我不必展示什麽來表達我對它們的熱愛,但我真的喜歡。
|之前在Channel V 录制Scene and Heard节目让我度过了非常愉快的一天。我们在亚洲游戏展现场进行拍摄,那里展示着大量最新游戏、游戏手柄和玩具。这些都是我的最爱!没错,我是一个游戏玩家,而且不觉得惭愧 我夜以继日的玩魔兽,一些人甚至说我上瘾了。从雅达利时期我就开始玩游戏,所以这算得上是一个长期的爱好了,所以我非常理解展览会上的孩子们。我也深爱着游戏。我不必展示什么来表达我对它们的热爱,但我真的喜欢。