One of the perks of my job is being able to hang out with hot young talented artist. This is David Archuleta, American Idol finalist, and his voice is AMAZING!
|David Archuleta 是<美國偶像>決賽入圍者,這份工作令我沾沾自喜的原因是可以有機會認識到一些年輕兼且有才華的藝人!
|David Archuleta 是<美国偶像>决赛入围者,这份工作令我沾沾自喜的原因是可以有机会认识到一些年轻兼且有才华的艺人!
|One of the perks of my job is being able to hang out with hot young talented artist. This is David Archuleta, American Idol finalist, and his voice is AMAZING!