Messing around in Mudbox today. Black Ned vs the Arctic Blindness part 2 - Beyond the Cave.
I keep suspecting there are really cool brushes in my pallette, I found this one called "big fuzzy gesture tool#1".
Thanks to whoever made it.
Sketched out this chick in an action bikini.
Did this per request of a buddy at work. The mechanical design needs work but I am hoping since there is a chick in there no one will care!
This is a quick compilation Brandon put together of some of the shots from our game cinematic. Total we did about 10 minutes of footage, me illustrating and Brandon animating the layered PSD's.
Seriously. Our game is good. If you want to hate on Spore.. remember most of us didn't even work on that game. Darkspore is solid..
Here is a poster I put together.
Experimenting with Sculptris. Stuck with a classic wrinkled ape. I overworked this but like the medium a ton.
I saw a great vid with Jordu Schell - that guy is awesome and a good teacher. He seems to be answering all the stuff you would ask and it's beginning techniques mixed with advanced stuff.
This alien sculpt is my first real maquette.
I have done two pretty generic smooth alien heads plus the big Zabrak dude so next up want to try realistic human or something more alien ambitious.
My great great grand uncle Corvus O'Haeringtaun bequeathed this book to the first of his descendants to "growe to the hite of six foots tall and two palms again". Turns out that I am the first of the family to do so!
I scanned a couple pages here. Some weird stuff. I can't read the handwriting, old cursive and it is bleeding a little.
Concept artist and creature designer.