Lydia Kuan
演员, 作曲家, 歌手
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A thought,and another and another

I've been blessed so much lately that I have been really really thankful. The people around me have gone out of their way to make me feel so lucky and fortunate to be alive. Where once I thought death was artistic,melancholy was the way to go because I liked being individualistic and less of the overrated "ditsy" frenzy going around, suddenly I'm awakened by the idea that I really didn't like that kind of life. Negativity that is. It is not cool,not suede and not awesome. Sure,now I'm not going to stare at u with a silent fury in my eyes and drown u with my hollow empty pitts. Sure now, I ain't gonna say with my folded arms that "I hate asswipes and scums who love to slime people all day" and then throw u a menacing scowl if U so far as ask me more things about my private life or tell me what u "have heard" about some random rumour about me. Nah. Those things are not important anymore. Not because I think I am so above everybody or that I am lightheaded because I'm so successful now. However I just feel really great because everyday I wake up feeling refreshed and happy knowing how I enjoy doing what I love doing and moving on with a passion that helps me to fly. And fly is indeed what is happening to my life. :)

In the midst of all these I started to open my eyes to how many good things I really have in my life. And wow,as soon as I understood that, I started to be even happier,even more energetic such that when awful things do Still happen somehow, I can smile through my distress. Let me tell u a little of what happened the other day. I was free after my boss told me my scheduled meeting for the day was postphoned, so around 4pm I went shopping. While shopping in this mall which is my favourite haunt here because they have beautiful avant garde and stylish outfits from Japan and Korea, I bumped into this sales assistant in one of the regular boutiques I used to frequent. She was very pretty,blessed with gigantic eyes, a lovely head of long curls and feminine features. However after chatting with her for a while she remarked and told me that she liked my complexion, to which I widened my eyes and said "U have a great complexion too!"

What followed next was a chain of details she told me that made me feel for her. She confided that her complexion was not the best because she had been breaking out. She also confessed that she had problems with excretion(bowel movements that is) and that she could only defecate once a week! I was really surprised at this sudden revelation and mind u,I felt so bad for her that I put everything down at once and told her every single remedy from the book I could think of to make her feel better. She said she had no opportunity to eat healtheir food such as more fruits or vegetables because of the fact that sales assistants do not have such good hours and she could only acquire what the mall sold. And well,her usual diet consisted of either fast food or some measly pieces of fried chicken. Or she goes without food. Don't ask me how these Taiwanese girls stay so thin and beautiful despite eating so unhealthily,me, I have to work my ass off like a mad woman to get anywhere around.:) Especially if I love food the way I do.Ha.

And so,I promised her I would help her by bringing her my home remedy to help her. I suggested she eat sweet potatoes,blueberries,stir fried spinach with garlic and also green tea with milk. Erm,not all together my dears, unless U really want to bomb Hiroshima all over again. U eat these things at intervals. I definitely cannot drink too much green tea with milk,because the other day I died when I did myself in with 2 green tea frappuccinos and listened to my stylist friend preach to me about my unhealthy lifestyle.U see,after I told her I was lactose intolerant I STILL went and drank 2 of those and then I became as green as the green tea frappuccino I drank for 2 days. I brought the above mentioned food a few days later back to the mall for the sales assistant and boy,was she surprised to see me keep my word. She told me that she had never expected such a gesture of goodwill from a total stranger and I was surprised that she was that surprised since I had already promised I would deliver my word?:) Anyhow U know what I mean.

In the past I would have been concerned but maybe not go out of the way to do things like these because I might be too busy to. But how busy can a person get? Time is about management,time is about whether U are willing to spare a few moments to,time is about choices U intend to make over others. Instead of going to dinner with my friends that day I decided to meet them for a quick coffee later on that week. I still kept my word and met up with them,just that I didn't join them for that amazing beef noodle and sweet and spicy soup they were raving about half the time. It still is ok because this means I will get another excuse to see them again. My point is, helping another person out of nothing is truly something. It makes U feel happy doing a little and even if it's really not much,at least U know your concern has moved them somehow. Xiao Han,the sweet faced sales assistant is so sweet that she gushed and told me I was forever on her VIP list.Woo. Just what I need when I frequented that shop so much!

Yesterday I woke up with a throbbing headache and today I had another gastric flu attack. In the past I would have become sullen and just grimace or groan with agony,holing myself back home. But today I dragged myself out anyways and collected my dresses that were ordered last week and shoes that were pre-altered. And even though I looked pale and wasn't wearing makeup, I told myself in the mirror before I walked out that I was still the best looking patient I ever saw.Haha just kidding. But U know what I mean. Confidence is something that truly emanates beauty when it is natural and within. This is something I never could grasp previously but now I sorta know.:)

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55954
random acts of kindness does wonders for ones humanistic complexion...keep up that positivity you heard!
大约 16 年 ago
In a perfect world, people will do what they say they will do. They will take care of themselves, but neither because of, nor at the expense of, others. In a perfect women will realize that they need not be anorexic looking in order to think themselves beautiful. In a perfect world, women will stop worrying about what other women think of them. They will believe men when we say that they are not fat, that they are beautiful just as they are (because they ARE), that we love them, and that they look GREAT in glasses. Really great!
大约 16 年 ago


Be inspired and inspire.


October 26, 2007