Official Artist
Lydia Kuan
Actor , Composer , Singer
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2 things happened recently and I thought it was amusing so yes,to share.

Had a quick chat with this director who wanted to see me and before we had our meeting,he was engaged in a conversation with one of the entertainment reporters. So,after a brief introduction was made,the reporter raises some intriguing,well,more like brow raising questions that sent me into a minor cardiac arrest. I in my normal honest self,decided to blurt honesty as usual.

Reporter: U are quite the girl among girls.

Me: I am Waaad?

Reporter: As in,U're very girlish!

Me:Yes sir!

thinks (no ah no ah,I'm a giraffe hahaha)

Reporter: Ever thought of doing a film like a girl-girl? Have u ever been in love with a girl?

Me: Yes. No!! Wait, I think I was in "like". Who hasn't?


giggles( in what appeared to be the girlish laughter)

Reporter: And u should be the feminine of the 2?

Me: Hmm.If I play a role,I would want to be the masculine of the 2,but I'd work out for the physique. If it's for real,I think I am not the masculine,nor feminine prototype. I think I am purist. I don't know what I just said???? But it means I don't think it's a girl-boy thing.

The director interrupts this reverie and says "ok,no lesbian films now. Too many of those,let's do something crazier than that."


WOW, u mean that isn't exciting enough?

Maybe I could be a real giraffe. Or a platypus. One that can do a handstand and juggles at the same time.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
"I would want to be the masculine of the 2, but I'd work out for the physique. " I think it would be pretty tough to make you look butch. Even if you bulked up at the gym ;P
about 16 years ago
whichever way it goes...bottom line is - sex sells...not too sure about acrobatic mammals though :P
about 16 years ago
Photo 31454
so are you an alien or a giraffe? make up your mind dag-namit! hahaha wow! i enjoyed this story. thank you. now go away.
about 16 years ago
Photo 48897
"let's do something crazier than that." cant wait to see huh... hahahha
about 16 years ago


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