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My poetry/prose

Wednesday's soliloquy.


Dear Wednesday falls in love with trepidation


Memories dissisipate

Nostlagia overflows into an upward trajectory

Fly then without wings,perilous flight


Like in waking I grovel dream

Masked,my shield,my cape

Red red red

And in dreaming I bleat,

Composed a sacrificial lamb


Night is day and days are bought

By the unsuspecting oracle

Tuesday met her tragedy

Hidden,clipped by Pandora




One waits in guarded monotony

Wielding a wilted vein



Another new thunder I stole

From cells above and clouds below

My locks are spent

Shattering the floor


Just lopped there.




Patrick Chow gave me an idea,so I'll explain my points at the bottom of each poem now.

Brief: This poem talks about the beginning of a Wednesday with a narcoleptic,almost subconscious,half conscious subject matter hovering.The use of repetitive "Neverthless" is a proliferation of monotony. The point is enhanced by the final line "Neverthless" again.

Subject is musing about routine and the poem ends with the subject inducing change by shearing her locks (hair). Other key points such as "red","sacrificial lamb" are almost dreamlike sequences where the subject is almost in a dark room (think dark room for developing pictures.setting: dim,red light).

The subject uses juxtapositions to contrast the struggle and confusion from within. The inability to deal with or handle a familiar "bad" day met its demise with Pandora. This describes a little of past events that the subject mentions. Pandora's box is commonly known that once opened breeds consequences and repurcussions.

There are more of course, but I'll just give the skinny.:) Welcome for more interpretations.






about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
about 16 years ago
Photo 55108
lydia ... i dont think i always get ur meanings .... but one thing i know is that i love ur words ;o)
about 16 years ago
Photo 55108
hey hey ... like this new format for ur poems and proses ...... walking stick for us non-creative and literal thinkers .... thanks L
about 16 years ago


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