Lydia Kuan
演员, 作曲家, 歌手
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My poetry/prose


When i saw u yesterday and u lunged forward to hug me,i crept timidly and let u hold my hands. U clasped my hands tightly,smiled serenely and caressed my hair. U asked me "Hey why do your eyes look so sad?".

I mustered a tiny smile for your sake,and watched the outline of the scaly long tubes that wound across your nose. I gazed into your tired dark eyes,yet feeling the warmth that emitted from within. Once again u said "Hey why do your eyes look so sad?"

The incessant chatter in the room,the ominous tubes that hung limply and flaccidly seemed to strangle my vision. I watched my eyes follow them into a blurred white patch and then they fused into the tear droplets that trickled onto my cheek.U saw the lump welling in my throat that mirrored your own and u asked "Hey why do your eyes look so sad?"

U tenderly handed me a typed written letter,8mths overdue from its birth and asked me if I have been happy. I nodded vigorously, and yet the tears kept falling, u chuckled slightly and squeezed my hands. U said "Then why do your eyes look so sad?".

For my aunt Cheryl who is battling her cancer every min now



When the world becomes deafeningly loud,i switch off and spiral into a neverending story,into the crevices of trepidation,into an abyss of apprehension. I think I am in touch with u,my doppelganger,u who told me not to listen,not to heed,not to analyse. U are a ball of absolute infinites,u r manipulating my whirl of confusion to beguile me. U who made me self aware and yet lost me into an oblivion. U make me more tragic than Hamlet's soliloquy,U who turn my pages yellow and turn them back again and again until I no longer understand the differences between what is ethereal and real.I search for an answer while weighing the might of your influence upon my soul. U r a theiving nemesis that comes in the guise of me. Stop talking to me mind,and let me sleep. Even one minute of peace can nourish my hungry soul.Let me float like a cloud that shrouds the past and passes the present. I will see u in the future as a dream.

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Be inspired and inspire.


October 26, 2007