Lydia Kuan
演员, 作曲家, 歌手
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My poetry/prose

She furrowed her brows thoughtfully in a slight frown as the incessant chatter around her morphed into a grandiose fireball. She thought she felt a silent explosion occur while she marginalized the boisterous crowd into floating ions scattered into the universe. Those figure heads transformed into tiny cottonballs,insignificantly existing while she purposefully alienated herself into her private dimension. Someone waved to her,another waltzed by and tapped her cheekily on her arm,and another raised a glass in solemn toast to her,and another,and another.

She smiled vacantly,her eyes two gaping hollows as she felt an obvious detachment, her soul disengaged her body. Her mind wandered carelessly while her eyes trailed the outline of the marbled table filled to a clutter of wine glasses,wine bottles. An unopened array of hard liquor stood steadily in line as if pronouncing their masculinity as they adorned the glasses with handsome pride. Johnny Walker,Vodka,Whiskey,and Martinis, she uttered every syllable in her mind. Someone hollered,someone else shrieked in delight. It was like a ruckus,no,a circus for that matter. She smiled suddenly, discreetly, while she scrutinized an invisible particle in her line of vision.


There were so many people hovering around her, but suddenly she felt a deadly calm piercing into the uproar. The eerie silence skulked from its hiding place into full glory while overwhelming her being. She closed her eyes,and breathed the magnitude of the pitching silence. Like a merciless vampire,she felt herself drained dry,sucked to her bare bones of her deep dark blood. The silence consummated her as it embraced her like a dark lord's cloak. Slowly and deliberately she felt herself slipping away,vanishing into the draped mystery.

Someone plopped down next to her with a skippy thud. She felt an affectionate pat on her head followed by an affected caress of her hair. She was still in that whirl,under the amalgamation of a universal mix where silence and noise became a blurred distinction of each other. She cocked her head and craned her neck slightly into that stranger's face. He appeared in all sorts a semblance of familiarity and yet not. She gazed at him intently and drank visions of him evolving from his symmetrically chiselled face.Those caves of perfect dimples etched on his face. Immediately he grew disentangled into a mask of distortions and like a magic wave of the invisible scepter held by silence,that dark lord,that someone too disintegrated into a formless speck.

She never felt more lonely than ever.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
Photo 40600
Hi Lydia, longtime! just dropping by. your words are mos def' straight from the heart. deeeeeeeep! :-)
大约 16 年 ago


Be inspired and inspire.


October 26, 2007