Official Artist
Lydia Kuan
Actor , Composer , Singer
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The classic IDIOT.class personified.

It really annoys me when pple wish me Happy Birthday on my Birthday and I tell them, " Thanks,and happy birthday to u 2" in a reflex action as tho I was wishing them "merry christmas". And they'd look at me wide-eyed in a weird way like I had 3 heads and tell me plaintively that their birthdays were not in another 10 mths or so.


I hate myself when I keep getting into scrapes and never learn from them. A classic example was yesterday when I hopped merrily into my friend's car thinking it was my friend and swiftly buckled my seatbelt like a straight A student only to stare into a complete stranger's face."WHO ARE U?" came the thunderous scream from out of my mouth as I thought of images of a planned alien abduction only to realize the poor guy was equally shaken as I was.

"Er...misss.I think...er...U got the wrong car."

Silence.Always the deafening damn silence to remind me of what a mofo I was.

And so I merrily scrambled out as I had scampered in,and tried coolly to walk with my head held high. What I had done was not wrong,I was just being a classic idiot.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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