MADEinHK 香港製造
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Gothic With A Slight Of Romance......

Today I am going to introduce a friend of mine in this entry, his name is Jeff. You could actually see him in my Autodyne Vendors Video. He is a very special person I could say....a tailor and an artest 2 in 1.....Gothic Guy.......interesting thinking and his painting work is very nice too....

i once asked him a question about experence & express his art in a different platform & dimension.....and he replied.....he admire people doing that, but in his case....he is just trying to espress his feelings &...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

The Project Of Death

Well well well.....recently we decided to look into the HK funeral culture. Actually this is not a new topic, but the information out there are more onto a kind of mysterious side, therefore we will give you a view no a more reality aspect. So, if your are interest into this topic, do go to check out our website.

For the one who cant read chinese, i posted some photos here for you.....

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Japanese BBQ .....My Lunch

This is a report on my lunch today....I know this is not really related to what I do, but I promised the ShoutBox ladies to show them some photos on the Japanese BBQ lunch....so there you go.....enjoy.....

The BBQ built in table....

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares

Street Performance.....You Support?

About 5 months ago we came across a group or travelling artest in Hong Kong. They were from Belgium & Spain and as i know, they travel from place to place and by performing and selling their hand craft to earn their travelling fees.

First thing that came across my mind was "they picked a wrong place to go", as HK didnt really have a space for them to do their street performace, and of cause its illegal to sell those hand craft on street. But anyway we did follow them to TST starferry station and try t...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

Hip Hop 唔係淨係Yo Yo聲~~~

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7HqfkbBKq4 Here it comes again....I found a pretty interest clip( done by Tripline Crew Glacial ), which is a Breaking Battle Jam 2007 held in ShenZhen. The Back Ground Music is a song called "It's Hip Hop" By Jin in his ABC album, and just a little reminder, Jin is a featuring artest in AliveNotDead do check his profile out. A very powerful mix....and for your information, the Crew Battle winner is a team calle...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

The Making Of Terry The Toy?!?!

First of all, I have to thx AnD for such a wonderful party last friday night!! It is really Wild and Hot!!

Well, I just happen to got hold of  some photos refer to the processing of ''Terry Richardson'' Figure in workshop of Mr. Micheal Lau. Yeah!! I am talking about the Figure right in front of the enterance!! Dont tell me you could ever forget that haha!! Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Historical Heros Reborn.....

Recently, we did an interview on a guy who really could show his skills on creating traditional clay figures. While most of the people who concentrated on modern approach,  he who stick with the mind set on regenerating chinese historical charaters & for a guy who at his age of 29 with a skill like this does earn my respect. Below are few of his own creations.  

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares

Break Borders, A Documentary By Joey Kan


This is a documentary made by a friend of mine....a HK B-Boy called Joey....pretty good actually, things about b...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

自作自售 Autodyne Vendors Vol.2

Video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=iDmaG47WWZ0 自作自售 Autodyne Vendors - Vol.2 (Herbert)

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

自作自售 Autodyne Vendors

[ 自作自售] -「自作」固名思義是自已動手製作,「自售」當中的「售」卻並非指售賣,而是取其諧義[推介]。簡單來說,[自作自售]是一個以十分鐘自拍錄像作為自我介紹渠道的遊戲,現時只接受個人報名參與。參加者在活動開始之前會預先被安排製作一段四十秒以內(此部份共佔用一分鐘時間,餘下廿秒會額外預留製作之用)的導引,例如交代職業、興趣、技能、內容概括等背景資料,完成後將會獲MADEinHK借發(最長為期三天)一部Song Net Sharing Cam迷你手提攝錄機作拍攝餘下九分鐘的內容之用,參加者需在限時之內將自己的日常生活、事件如實攝錄,內容自由發揮,可以是圍繞技能出發又或是帶出一些想告知別人的故事,籍此增加大家對自己的了解和才華的認識,。當攝錄機交還後,工作人員將會把機內的儲存片段輸入電腦,並在不經刪剪的原則下將記憶體首九分鐘片段連接起來,以最原汁原味的形式製作成短片,用意是營造出一種原始、真實的感覺。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /




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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007