Official Artist
Mancy Cheng
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Finally an update!

Its been a while but I've been extremely busy with different stuff.

Only recently been less busy so here's an update...sort of. Still need to pull out some photos from my camera from lunch with Anthony Bordain, Red Hot Chili Pepper concert and meeting Coach Spoelstra from the Miami Heat!

Which come to the final item is that I need to know if there are any photographers out there based in HK that would like to do some tests shots with me. I haven't had any new photos since last year and it's about time to update my book before I get all old, wrinkly and saggy!

Or if you know someone that's interested please let me know!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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Ah, what a tease! Leave us hanging w no pics!
over 13 years ago
Photo 67601
I haven't had time to upload photos on my computer. I literally get home n fall asleep right away!
over 13 years ago
Photo 67601
Pat, where did u see it? It was pretty awesome though right?
over 13 years ago


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean (1931-1955)

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Member Since
March 18, 2008