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borderless musical beach parti

日期     :  2008年9月5日 – 7日

地点     :  乐浪沙滩度假村(Redang Beach Resort)

主办单位    :  乐酱社团(Music Source Entertainment)

联办单位     :大宝娱乐, ET Hub,  MK Edutainment

宗旨                   : 1) 为所有音乐爱好者提供一个展现表演才华的平台。

     2) 集合海内外的主流与非主流音乐人,一起来作音乐的交流与切磋,以增进彼  


     3) 鼓吹原创音乐风,令更多拥有音乐潜能的人,可以发挥他们的创作才华与自 



乐酱社团是由大宝娱乐与MK Edutainment两位主脑 – 陈川珲与俊田老师所创办的非盈利组织。联合其他热爱音乐的人士,本着一颗对音乐炽热的心,乐酱社团将致力举办各项音乐活动,用心打造的音乐文化,为音乐领域出一份力。


Date   : 5th – 7th September 2008

Venue     : Redang Beach Resort

Main organizer  : Music Source Society

Co-organizer  : DA Pro Entertainment, ET Hub, MK Edutainment

Objectives  : 1) To provide a platform for all music lovers to unleash their music talents.

        2) To gather round the Local / Oversea mainstream and underground musicians, and provide them an opportunity to interact and exchange music knowledge with each other.

                3) To support the original creations of the local musicians, thus encourage them to be persistent with their music identities and to constantly strive for a higher realm in this industry.


Music Source Entertainment is a non-profit organization formed by the chiefs of DA Pro Entertainment and MK Edutainment. Calling upon all the music lovers, the mission of Music Source Entertainment is to organize a variety of music activities from time to time; to encourage the participation from all music lovers and exchange of music values. Music Source Entertainment is very much passionate to uphold the unique cultures and identities of the local musicians. It is ever ready to contribute in this industry with its strong determination to push the local music creations to the next level. 

Furthermore, Music Source Entertainment aims to establish a musical fund in the near future. This is to provide monetary support to those music lovers who are impeded to releasing their own albums due to financial constraints. Thus the vision of Music Source Entertainment is to make every music lover’s dream comes true. 

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


respect the creation of the music.dosen`t matter it can go how far or how fast,but the most important point is--are you doing it with your heart?

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Member Since
February 4, 2008