Official Artist
marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
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damn shiok!

doing what i love is... damn shiok!

whether as a makeup artiste, show producer or stylist.

and more recently as a makeup brand ambassador,

creative producer, host and personality.

...i LIKE.

i have learned to appreciate creativity and talent.

cos without one or the other, honestly i wouldn't have a job.

and i am not talking just about me.

it takes more than me to get the job done.

its the team. the people you work with. and sometimes even more.

i have been doing fashion for almost 20 years, on and off.

started when i was about 21, coordinating fashion shows and events

with Najip Ali who was my mentor and teacher.

then at 26, a good friend, Jazreel Low got me started on makeup.

its been 14 years since and i haven't looked back since!

who knew i could marry all that i learned and enjoyed

into a profession that hardly seems like work!

my passion has always been to inspire, innovate, create and educate.

in any job, project or assignment.

cos without the passion the objective is lost!

most people work, like everyday.

Mmm... i don't.

and since i am so free, i always ask myself, what's next?

what do i want to do next?

well, i want to do more. more things that i would enjoy!

like... produce new TV Shows and Programmes.

like... write plays and short stories.

like... host my own Talk Show!

and... create my own cosmetic brand!!

i know what you guys are saying...

TOO FREE, IS IT !?!?!!

yes! i am!

but that's where it starts.

i want to start on that journey to the next level!

maybe i can or maybe i can't.

who knows...

no harm trying, right?

what are you passionate about?

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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