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give thanks be thankful

i was invited to a dinner party over the weekend and

was kinda hesitant to go.

as you know, i am not the sociable type.

but since i was free, i went.

to my surprise it was really a very small dinner party.

with only about 9 guests attending,

i didn't think i'd be out of place and boy was i wrong!

you see, my hosts were both lawyers.

and they, of course, invited their lawyer friends.

but thankfully not all lawyers.

there was 1 university lecturer.


and me.

then i met Rudy.

successful. established. celebrity. lawyer. loud and funny.

this guy knew everybody.

and if he didn't, well he made a point to.

frankly, he was the life of the party.

sharing his antics and hilarious stories,

Rudy definitely knew how to entertain.

or maybe he was just drunk.

well, whatever it was, he spoke his mind.

no mincing of words or sentences, Rudy said it has it is.

and what i first impression he made.

people tend to want to leave an impressive impression when they meet others.

when what they should leave is what others can take from them.

when i left that night, i took with me the knowledge that we all can make a difference.

be it lawyers, a university lecturer or me.

that we must be thankful and give thanks in life for our lives.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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