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marcus a.c.
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learn to listen

sometimes all we need to do is just listen.

usually that's how we learn.

when we were young that's what we did in school.

when we are in a relationship.

with friends and family.

when someone starts sharing, they are not asking for solutions.

they are asking for a hearing heart.

when someone opens up, they are not asking for judgments.

they are asking for company.

even when you feel that your situation, your challenge, your problem

is bigger and more traumatic than theirs,

it doesn't mean that theirs is not real to them.

we need to learn to listen.

without judgment,

without solutions,

without complains.

to listen with a hearing heart.

an open mind.

a willing spirit.

we need to learn to listen.

i'm still learning.

about 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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