marcus a.c.
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let go and let GOD

for a while now i kept telling myself that i needed to diet.

so... i did.

the diet thingy worked for 5 days.

i know!

for someone who skipped sweets and desserts for

an entire month, healthy food was a challenge!

blame it on my food choices & my determination to a lean body.

so i started with yong tau foo, no oil for 2 days.

then it was only grilled food, no oil.

no curry.

i couldn't take it.

i. like. food. i. like. to. eat. and. i. am. always. hungry.


so why am i doing this to myself?

hiao lor.

then i realised i need not put myself thru this!

that was my problem.

problem of the flesh.

I was trying too hard.

i needed to let go and let God.

no... not eat all you want thinking

HE will keep you slim and trim.


because we are all beautiful to HIM.


we just want to look beautiful for ourselves!

if you don't know by now,

what you put in your mouth does affect your body!

but what you put in your heart affects your spirit.

so i did just that.

i told HIM that i want a beautiful body and i love my food.

then, i ate. without the guilt or the greedy cravings.

cause that's what pulls us down and puts on the weight.

our guilt.

so eat in the right spirit!

ok, fine. the eat in the right spirit was part of a sermon i heard in church!

it better than going on a silly diet, right?

trust me, you'll feel better.

idid. and i'm NOT always hungry anymore!

let go and let GOD.

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July 20, 2009