Official Artist
marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
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making calls


so what's been happening?

Ris Low has been getting too much attention.

be it for the right reason or wrong reason...

so i'm gonna stop MY attention on her & give her a break.

maybe i should focus on the judges instead...

some people have been calling me and

asking me to work with them.

choreograph shows and events.

style shoots and commercials.

but surprisingly they don't have the budget.

more recently, after getting involved on a

commercial project, the client felt that its best

what we worked on futureprojects and not this one.


i believe that very opportunity leads to other opportunities.

be it to grow from or to grow into.

and sulking doesn't help.

so, i'm gonna start making some calls

and get things done!

it happened for Miss World Singapore.


over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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