Official Artist
marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
151,348 views| 206  Posts


i have a question.

actually, i have a few questions.

and if anybody has the answers, pls share them with me.

1) where do kids get the money to buy a $300 pair of NUDIE Jeans?

2) is the iPhone fat finger friendly?

3) what's the deal with wearing black rimmed specs without the lenses?

4) why do guys stuff all their pockets when they wear skinny jeans?

5) why is Made in China so expensive?

6) how do you stop shoulder pads and harem pants from taking over?

7) when do you tell someone they should never leave their house looking like...?

 Mm... before or after you throw up on them?

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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