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marcus a.c.
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what do you see?

its july.

the 1st half of 2010 is now officially gone.

so what have you done so far?

most people grow up, move on, change, go into adulthood

and life as the years go by.

year after year, they progress gradually,

taking everything that happens around them, or to them,

as part of life. their life.

that's fair enough for them.

but me... as usual, i tend to take a different approach.

i take each year individually.

one year at a time.

its like making new year resolutions and see if i stick to them

or make new ones along the way.

then at the end of the year i look back and see what i have achieved, or not.

it is my year after all.

for example, last year i wanted to make contacts and connections.

which, i did.

so this year i wanted to established those contacts and connections

and see what i can do with them. like a business strategy.

so far... its been slow, i have to admit.

what do i do?

well, there's this weird saying that goes,

"what do u see when u have a glass half filled?

is it half full or half empty?"

my answer,''its half a glass!"

whatever happened to the 1st half, i don't know/ i don't care!

all i know is that there is half a glass left for me to enjoy.

that's what i see when i look at what's left of 2010.

what do you see?

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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