marcus a.c.
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wow wow world

is the wow wow world of fashion all like that?

i caught The Devil wears PRADA on tv recently.

if you asked me, its an almost Bollywood movie!

it has the boy & girl bits,

the over the top drama,

girls running everywhere,

and of course, the villain.

but seriously, is the fashion industry really like that we see on the small or big screen?

Mm. lets see...

if you don't have style or think you do, then you are out.

when it comes to fashion, you don't think. you KNOW.

never say no to a stylist,

they can end your career.

you really have to crawl your way up.

sleeping around is not an option.

mingling is good.

pretentious PR is bad.

wearing black is always fashionable.

wearing black everyday looks uniformed.

stop doing favors.

they don't pay your bills.

remember everyone you meet.

they are the ones who will lead the way for you.

fashion is not free,

but you can always get Media Discounts!

stop kissing ass.

your lips are not big enough.

decide if you are the villain or the hero

and stick to it!

and it helps to be good looking.

cos it helps you get a job elsewhere if all else fails.

that's all.

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July 20, 2009