Mark Moran
配音艺术家, 摄影师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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Beijing – Day 10: Pierre and Jennifer arrive

The day had finally arrived for two more members of Wushu West to join us in Beijing. But first, we had to deal with some morning training in the upstairs wushu hall.

When we arrived in the wushu hall there were a few of the professional athletes stretching on the main blue carpet; Zhao Qing Jian, Wang Xie and Liu Xiao Lei. Basically, three of the top athletes in the world. On the far carpet was Liu Qing Hua’s group (which included Liu Qi). With the coaches and Patti in the room, I calculated that there were roughly 300 national and international medals worth of athletes sitting in the room. Not too shabby.

We were going to start the class with some more Basket Brawl, which is basically a combination of basketball and soccer. After we got the teams organized I asked Zhao Qing Jian (jokingly) if he wanted to join in. He said sure and joined the game. Wang Xie Liu Xiao Lei joined us too and pretty soon we had quite a game going. I took some pictures and got a bit of video:

Playing with the Pros

Playing with the Pros


Video of us playing Basket Brawl

After warming up it was stretching and basics. I continued working out choreography for my new nangun form. Across the room I saw Liu Qin Hua’s group working out. There was one guy doing nanquan, which I naturally paid close attention to. There was also a girl doing some nanquan. Very cool. I don’t really see enough nanquan up in Beijing so I try to pay attention whenever it is going on to see if I can pick anything up. While they performed their forms I was trying to figure out some of their moves, even fantasizing that I might ask Tiger if I can learn their forms.

I continued with my training, focusing on the class. After a while Xu Ming Hu (Tiger) called me over. There was one of Liu Qing Hua’s athletes with him It was the nanquan girl! I didn’t quite understand what he said, but it sounded like he wanted her to teach me some nanquan. Wow! Someone had read my mind. I agreed and the two of us went to the side of the carpet.

I waited for her to tell me what to do. She seemed to be waiting for me too.

Women kaishi ba? (Shall we start?) she said.

Hao (Okay) I replied.

Then she motioned for me to stand in front of her. Wait a sec. How would I see her form if I was in front? Then it dawned on me that it wasn’t me who was learning from her, but her who wanted to learn from me! “Wait … am I teaching you or are you teaching me?” I asked.

Ni jiao wo (you teach me), she answered.

Wow … totally weird moment.

So, it turns out they had seem me do my form 2 days earlier and had asked Tiger to have me teach it to them. I suppose my choregraphy is not necessarily standard, or perhaps they just want to have more variety in their repertoire, but whatever the reason I was totally humbled and flattered that they were even watching me from way across the room, let alone her wanting to learn my form. Especially since I was pretty much doing the same with them.

So, I proceeded to show her my form. After a while I noticed someone else standing behind me. It was the nanquan guy too! He had come over to learn as well. Goodness gracious…

I got to talk to them a bit after showing them my first section. They had both trained at Shanghai University of Sports, so we knew a lot of the same people. Her name was Xiao Lan and he was Xie Zhen Hao. It was a very neat class. Unfortunately, it meant that I couldn’t pay too much attention to what everyone else was doing, but I did look over and see Zhao Qing Jian and Wang Xie giving some pointers to the Wushu West students so it was nice that they were getting a few tips from the pros. I was also asked by those two and Liu Xiao Lei to video their nandu (difficulty movements) practice, so I have that here to share too:

Zhao Qing Jian’s twist to inside 720 split – 1

Liu Xiao Lei Chang Quan (Long Fist)

Wang Xie Chang Quan (Long Fist)

After lunch and a shower I had to go to the airport with Rita from the Foreginer’s Office to pick up Pierre and Jennifer. They were finalliy arriving from the U.S. Their flight was early and we were running late, but it just so happened that as soon as we walked up to the arrivals area they walked out the door. Very good timing and pretty soon we were on the road back to Shi Cha Hai.

Pierre and Jennifer on the way from the airport

Pierre and Jennifer on the way from the airport

We helped them get checked in to their rooms and once Patti got back to the hotel we did a bit of roommate swapping. I was now going to room with Pierre and Tyler was going to room with Cary, leaving Noah and Jonah to enjoy the peculiar smells that their room seemed to be developing. Jennifer decided to get her own room which meant that Ashley and Lauren could keep it to the original 2.

I spent some time helping Pierre and Jennifer acclimate and we went downstairs to get some dinner as well. Lots of reuinion-izing going on (yes, I just made that word up).

Noah in the lunchroom

Noah in the lunchroom





A blurry Pierre and James

A blurry Pierre and James

After dinner was the evening practice. For this particular practice Tiger had arranged for us to practice jumping in the gymnastics room. After running, stretching and basics, he had us all practice our twists and butterflies into the foam pit. Then we went to the spring floor and folks worked on their twists (such as they were) and Loren even got pretty good rotation towards his 720. Here are some photos and a video:

Lauren, Loren and Cary in the gymnastics room

Lauren, Loren and Cary in the gymnastics room

Working on our jumps

Working on our jumps

Cary works on his twist

Cary works on his twist


Loren’s 720 Twist attempt

Towards the end of class I took Pierre and Jennifer upstairs to watch the professional wushu athletes training. They were both quite impressed. Then it was back to the hotel so I could finish moving the rest of my stuff to Pierre’s room. After that I hung out a bit with Wu Di and Shahaub in the lounge downstairs and then it was time to sleep for an early morning practice the next day!

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Xian, China
September 1, 2005