The final day of Jennifer and Wang’s Wei trip to China was finally upon us. I had arranged to meet up with them in the morning to make a final run at Silk Street (Xiu Shui). I took a shower, changed and got a quick breakfast at the buffet on the 2nd floor (meh .. nothing to write home about) and then caught a cab for their hotel.
By strange coincidence they were calling me at the exact moment I was passing the news stand down the street from their hotel from which they were calling me. I got out and we grabbed some dumplings (for their breakfast) before going to Silk Street.
Wang Wei looks like an FBI sniper
When we got there we spent a lot of time shopping around. For myself I ended up scoring a really nice knee-length adidas winter jacket for around 300 RMB ($36 USD). I also bought a few other things but nothing too amazing. I do plan to go back there again though because, while Shanghai has good shopping too, it’s not quite at the level of Beijing. Especially ever since they closed down the outdoor market. The new markets are just trying to play catch-up.
shopping next to the silk street market
We also did some DVD shopping out of a van (quite an interesting experience buying things out of a van) and then it was time to head back to the hotel and send them off to the airport.
It was sad to see them leave, but I was happy that they had enjoyed their trip to China and that I was able to have been a part of the experience. I’ll see them again next year in the U.S. anyway, so it’s not so much a “good bye” as a “see you later”.
I caught a cab back to my hotel and spent the evening working on video editing for Wu Di’s video project. I had promised him a music video about 6 months ago and it was finally time to deliver. I spent most of the evening working on that and occasionally dealing with my upset stomach and bought with a small cold. (just the sniffles and nothing too extreme, thankfully.)
one of the fancy new buses in beijing
sunset construction
I met up with Jason in the executive lounge for a bit, but besides that it was pretty must an evening spent video editing in my room.
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