Mark Moran
配音艺术家, 摄影师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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China - Week 47 (7/23): Virus

Just in case anyone was wondering, I didn't forget to post up the rest of my entries from Beijing. I got a rather yucky computer virus when I came back to Shanghai so I spent the last few days reinstalling my system. Still have a bunch of apps left to install but after that I can get back to putting some things up.


Just for my own records, these are things I need to take care of in the next few weeks:


  1. Visits from nebgnat and not4profit who will be staying with me for a week. neb is already here, n4p gets here tomorrow.

  2. Finish work on my parent's website

  3. Pack for moving

  4. Find an apartment near the Shanghai South Station

  5. Move by August 15 (preferrably)

  6. Visit from Jisue on August 18 - 22.


I feel like there is a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting. I have lots of things left over for Jet's site and his Foundation sites to do. And I have some miscellaneous other things to take care of which don't really warrant writing here.


This must be what people mean when they say they get busier after they retire from their jobs than when they were working. Now that I don't have a "job" I find that I barely have time for all the stuff I need to do.


I guess this is the season for life changes. Etchy is about to move to HK, I have some other friends who are in the midsts of moves as well. Good luck to us all.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Xian, China
September 1, 2005