Mark Moran
配音艺术家, 摄影师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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Haiti Highlights: Day 3 – CAFT & Anis Zunuzi

I’m just writing up some of the highlights from our trip to Haiti as we continue our work for the Mona Foundation.  I already blogged about the first 2 days which were settling in and getting ready for our work.  So we’ll start with …

Day 3: Monday, September 14, 2009

First, we visited CAFT, a teacher-training program in Haiti that helps develop teachers’ capacities and techniques as educators.  Ruhi did a bunch of interviews with some of the administrators of the program and I took photos and a few behind-the-scene videos in support.

Linda, Director of CAFT (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Linda, Director of CAFT (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Gottfried Krauchi, Administrator of Swiss College in Haiti (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Gottfried Krauchi, Administrator of Swiss College in Haiti (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Ruhi prepares to film interviews at CAFT (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Ruhi prepares to film interviews at CAFT (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

CAFT offices (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

CAFT offices (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

After CAFT we took a drive to the Anis Zunuzi School located in Lilavois.  It is a K-10 education facility set up for the poorest of children in one of the poorest countries on the planet.  However, I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of the word “poor” being used to describe these kids or this country.  They truly are rich in ways that aren’t reflected in the metrics of materialism.  Hundreds of kids attend this school in one of the rougher parts of the outskirts of Port-Au-Prince and are provided an education that they would otherwise not receive.

Many people carry things on their heads (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Many people carry things on their heads (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

View of the city (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

View of the city (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Students after classes (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Students after classes (Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

(Day 3: Mon, 9/14)

Continued in the next entry …

You can view all of my photos from Haiti here

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Xian, China
September 1, 2005