Mark Moran
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Haiti Highlights: Day 5&6 – George Marcellus

I’m just writing up some of the highlights from our trip to Haiti as we continue our work for the Mona Foundation.

Day 5, September 16, 2009

My ankle was acting up this day so I stayed home to rest it.  Ruhi went to visit Bernard Martinod’s school in Titanyin, just outside Port Au Prince.  I spent the day organizing and preparing some of the Haiti photos I’ve taken so far.

Day 6, September 17, 2009

Today was the road trip up north to the George Marcellus school in Guerot, a rice farming valley about 3 hours north of Port-Au-Prince.  We drove up the main highway (such as it is) which connects the north to the south in Haiti.  We left home around 5:45 and made it to the school around 9:00 a.m.

Rice fields (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Rice fields (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

The north of Haiti (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

The north of Haiti (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

The school is really located in a remote area.  Admist rice fields along side an irrigation canal, sits a small, modest building with 4 small rooms, each housing children who are eager to learn.  We spent most of the day there, watching their classes, interviewing teachers and administrators, interacting with the students and seeing what life is like in the countryside of Haiti.  Ruhi filmed a lot of footage and I shot over 500 photos, the best of which you can see here.  In fact, during this whole trip I’ve shot almost 2,000 pictures, but of course only about 10% of them are what I would consider being any good.  But that means there is still 200 photos, so not too bad.

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Receiving study supplies and food from CAFT (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Receiving study supplies and food from CAFT (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

A study of virtues (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

A study of virtues (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi at work (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi at work (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi with the Children (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi with the Children (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Kicking the ball (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Kicking the ball (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Practicing her writing (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Practicing her writing (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Dragonfly (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Dragonfly (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Running (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Running (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Beautiful children (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Beautiful children (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Happy with her results (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Happy with her results (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Cows want to learn too (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Cows want to learn too (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi and I in front of the school (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi and I in front of the school (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

On our way back home we stopped by a small food stand near a beach and got some chicken and rice.  It was quite good and the ocean is beautiful.  Well, of course it is.  This is the Caribbean.

Looks a lot like South East Asia (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Looks a lot like South East Asia (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi and I at the beach (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Ruhi and I at the beach (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Funeral in progress, complete with brass band (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Funeral in progress, complete with brass band (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Sunset (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

Sunset (Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

(Day 6: Thu, 9/17)

You can view all of my photos from Haiti here

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接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
there are some really nice pics ... mark . looks like u r going to be a pro !!!
接近 15 年 ago
sweet ,,, see u soon !!!
接近 15 年 ago
beautifull ... u looks more like a man right now !!!:)
接近 15 年 ago
so cool ...
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 51946
always on the road
接近 15 年 ago


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