Official Artist
Mark Moran
Dubbing Artist , Photographer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Hong Kong (10/28): HZH in HK - Part 2: Kowloon

On the second day of their visit we decided to have the consumate Hong Kong dining experience and met up for dim sum in Kowloon's TST.  I met up with the group at their hotel early in the morning (7:45 ish) and we had a small (but not really) breakfast buffet before resting in the room and then heading out on the Tram.

We took the tram to central and walked over to the Star Ferry terminal where Patrick was waiting for us.  After greetings we boarded the ferry to Kowloon and then walked over to Serenade, a nice dim sum restaurant with a great view of the harbor.

After eating we took a few pictures on the waterfront and then Patrick took off and the rest of us walked over to Avenue of the Stars.  For those of you who don't know, it's sort of like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but with way less handprints, but way more fishing.

James on the waterfront

Patrick checks his schedule

Patti and Er Jiu

Not sure who he is, but I woudln't want to fight him.

In case you forget where you are

The man's hands

Jet's hands

The requisite pose in front of Bruce Lee's statue

After that we grabbed a taxi and headed over to the Macau ferry terminal to await the arrival of JingJing, who had just lost a nice 2,000 RMB in macau's famed casinos.  She seemed none the worse for ware though, and staying true to form, insisted on having her picture taken at every opportunity.

Waiting for his daughter

James and Jing Jing

Then it was off to Langham Place.  They wanted to do some shopping and I figured the crazy long escalator might be a nice thing to see.  We went all the way from the very top to the very bottom, which was actually the first time I've done that. 

Worst name for a store ever

Checking out stores

Inside the Mall

From the bottom we walked right over to the MTR and caught a train back to Central where we partook of the last day of the Wing Shya exhibit.  But to be honest, I think everyone was just a bit tired from all the walking so the four of them grabbed a taxi back to the hotel and I hopped in a tram and met up with them there.

James in the foreground, the Hao's in the back

Patti on the MTR

Inside the tram

I will continue the second part of this day in the next blog, but you can see the video I made for Part 2 here:

You can view all the photos from this day in my photo album here

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
oh ... nice pics !!! mark i will be there soon ... can't wait to see you !!! ADI
over 16 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
No. he doesn't do wushu. When they were kids you were selected to do wushu, it wasn't something you got to choose to do. 1969 in Beijing wasn't a very free-wheeling place, i guess.
over 16 years ago
Photo 41774
Hey Mark, thanks for the note, happy to be here, sorry took me a while to get back to you. Tx again, see you around. philipp
over 16 years ago


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September 1, 2005