Mark Moran
配音艺术家, 摄影师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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Hong Kong (4/15): The After Parties

Unfortunately I can't get in to too much detail here.  I'll just talk in generalities and you should get the gist of what went on.  (When are we going to have friends-only entries anyway?)

So, after the big event we first headed back to Pat and Stephen's.  The show was on time-delay so we tried, unsuccessfully, to search for it on their TV, but eventually gave up and just turned on the Wii instead.  After a while Hiro joined up with us and then we all grabbed a taxi over to Kowloon. 

We went to a very nice Japanese restaurant and headed on in.  We got a table and said hello to everyone.  It was mostly the group who had worked on the performance, i.e. the four bands (Audio Traffic, 24 Herbs, Qiu Hong and Hardpack) along with lots of folks from the JC Group.

Etchy is Stretchy

Boon and Stephen are hungry

Jack was our menu interpreter

The Alive Boys had to go to another party first, but after a while they showed up.  The place went crazy -- lots of "Wu! Wu! Wu!" dog pound yelling and everyone was in very good spirits.  I mean .. he had won the award for Best New Director for a project for which pretty much everyone in the room had, in some capacity or another, been involved.

It was a really great feeling -- this amazing collaboration had an amazing ending.  Plus, this website was finally launched after many many hours of hard work.  As Pat said, it wasn't just a celebration party for Dan's award, it was our company launch party. (Of course, it was kind of a bummer since a fair chunk of our company wasn't there, but it was still a nice sentiment.)

Andrew and Terence looking very fly

Dan enjoying the moment

24 Herbs checking out the award

Andrew seriously looks way dapper in his white tux.

Most of the evening was spent with various groups getting pictures with the awards and/or the Alive guys. 

The alive not dead gang doing the poster pose with Hiro

Some people enjoyed the statue a little TOO much

A-Phat kisses the statue as Tung Tung snaps a photo

Jason poses with the Sun Boys

The camera crew (and 24 Herbs members) with Alive

24 herbs with Alive

Hardpack with Alive

Qiu Hong with Alive

Patrick, who was also the executive producer for the film, with the Alive boys

Sandy makes an appearance

It was also Adrian's birthday and after 3 cakes and about 2 dozen renditions of "Happy Birthday" none of us would ever be able to forget it.

  Adrian's birthday!

Josie helps Adrian blow out the candle

And things slowly deteriorated into a cake fight

Well, like I said ... not too many details.  After this party a bunch of us made our way over to Conroy and Josie's place for a post-party celebration.  While there we got to see the awards show performance on their TV (thanks to their DVR system). 

Some folks played pool and a bunch of people were sitting out on the patio just chillaxing and hanging out. It was a nice mellow way to spend the evening.

I ended up getting home around 7:00 a.m. and fell asleep at 7:30 a.m.  After 12 hours of sleep I got up at 7:30 p.m. and then made my way in to the office.

But the post-launch work week is another blog for another day ...

And of course, can't have a dinner party without taking a picture of dinner! ^__^

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dog pound? looking fly?!? did we just teleport to the early nineties? where's Arsenio?!?
大约 17 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
It was one of Jackie Chan's restaurants, but don't know the name.
大约 17 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Yeah! Can't wait to see you again! It will be the third time this year! hehee
大约 17 年 ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Xian, China
September 1, 2005