Official Artist
Mark Moran
Dubbing Artist , Photographer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Logos, Ads, Sub-Domains and Videos, Oh My!

Today was a busy day, but a fulfilling one. Often times my work duties are not strictly related to web design and today was just such a day.

I’ve been working with one client to develop mini-sites for their members and setting up sub-domain redirects.

Then I was helping coordinate development of ads that will be used in major publications and various online initiatives.

After that I was working on coordinating some video production for a client’s advertising project.

And finally I worked on three logo mock-ups for a client. This was probably the funnest of the day’s tasks.

All-in-all, a productive and enjoyable day. Here is hoping for more of the same tomorrow.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
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Xian, China
Member Since
September 1, 2005