Official Artist
Mark Moran
Dubbing Artist , Photographer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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New Artists

I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to some of the newer artists we've been bringing on to alivenotdead.  In fact, we've been pretty busy adding a TON of new, cool people here, so I thought I would just highlight a few of my favorites so you can be sure to check them out.

Ana R One of the top models in Asia and a pretty cool person to boot. It took her a while but we're glad she could join the party!

Allan Wu The host of one of one of my favorite series out there, The Amazing Race Asia. Plus he has rediculous abs.

Fei Bao Xian a THREE time WORLD wushu champion, Fei Bao Xian's name is pretty much synonymous with wushu in Europe.

Wing Shya One of the most well-known and respected photographers in Hong Kong, if you don't know who he is, then you haven't been paying much attention to our banners.

Mindee Ong I'll be honest, I put this one here for selfish reasons. I just think she's crazily beautiful. And seems pretty cool as well. But yeah ... did I mention the beautiful thing? Cuz .. y'know. .. just want to make sure that's clear ...

Beaver Kwei I gotta put him here because we used to work together back in the day. I've known Beaver a while so it's great to have him here on the site. You jetli.com'ers from way back will undoubtedly remember him too.

Scott Tang I knew this guy from Cal Wushu back in the 90's but who knew he had musical skill? Well, obviously people knew .. but I was oblivious. So, it's great to have him here!

Seth Leung The kick ass guitarist from everyone's favorite HK punk band, Hardpack! These guys are one of my favorite acts to see live ... partake of their musicality, if you can!

Ferdie Ramos The drummer for such awesome performaers as Audiotraffic and Josie Ho. Plus he can sing too. And dance. And pilot helicopters. And deep sea dive. Okay .. some of those aren't true, but his drumming makes up for it.

Brandon Sugiyama / DJ Bam And last, but certainly not least, my old roommate (not to mention Daniel Wu's college roommate ... wait does that mean I'm one degree away from having lived with Dan?) Brandon is a DJ and Taiji Pimp Daddy, but not necessarily in that order.And, to be honest, there are a TON more .. I mean. We're up to over 200 people / groups on the aritst page now!

Not bad from our humble beginnings with 7 artists back in April.So, what are you waiting for? Go check some of them out and say hello! Don't be shy. Most of them don't bite ........ hard.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Rock on!!!! It is great to see so many great new artists join our community. ALIVENOTDEAD!!!!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
tite i kno 3 of them :) yeah my dad still runs like whole soccer games. he runs faster than me :(
over 16 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I said "one of my favorite series", not "the only TV show I like" If you like I can list out all the TV shows I like, but we both have better ways to spend our time...
over 16 years ago
Mindeeong 34 mindeeong
Thank you Narom. I am really flattered. :)
over 16 years ago


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September 1, 2005