After a long break for Spring Festival (Chinese New Years, Lantern Festival, etc.) I was finally able to get back to training. I knew that after almost a full month away from wushu I would be in for a good wushu beat-down and for the most part I wasn’t mistaken. I only lasted through the basics – just barely – and when they did nandu I went on the side and worked on some of my nanquan choreography – mainly end of the 3rd section transitioning to the 4th.They did full forms today, competition style. And by “competition style” I mean that they would do the salue, walk-on, etc. The coach also had it filmed for reference and was timing them. Their competition will be on April 5 (according to Xiao Yu) and I was told that I might be able to join them and go there, so hopefully that works out and I can post up videos and results via wushuzilla. Keep your fingers crossed.After their full forms they did some half-sets and so I joined in with that. I got through most of my second half (3-4), but it was pretty brutal. Definitely my lung endurance has suffered from my break, and my body is not quite as responsible or strong as it was last month, but I was expecting that to be the case so it isn’t too surprising.And here is my video for today’s training. Be sure to watch the part that talks about their competition preparation schedule. I thought it was pretty interesting what they are doing.
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