Mark Moran
配音艺术家, 摄影师, 网络/多媒体设计师
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Wushu Photography at the 11th All China Games

During the recent 11th All China Games in Binzhou, Shandong, China I changed my focus a bit from my usual activity.  Typically I spend the time filming the event for friends and wushu fans on the net.  And while I did take some videos (you can see them on my youtube channel at youtube.com/wushuzilla or my upcoming youku.com channel) this time around I focused on figuring out effective ways of taking wushu photography.  Specifically figuring out how to effectively capture the emotion of wushu.

A lot of people usually take pictures of athletes during their nandu (difficulty movements) in the hopes of getting the essence of their jumping techniques.  These are neat to look at mainly because, if you capture the athlete at the right moment, you end up seeing some pretty interesting mid-air poses.  Here are a few examples from the photographs I took:




Double Ouch




The second way that a lot of people take wushu photographs is to capture the pauses and poses during an athlete’s form.  Showcasing their rock-solid basics or their ability to showcase years of training.  These are really nice to look at and, frankly, much easier to take, as they don’t rely on split-second timing and you can usually get a few good shots off each time an athlete pauses during their form.  Here are a few of this type of pictures that I took:







But the truth is, I think that the best photographs are of the subtle moments and motions that show the heart of the athlete.  Images that show the focus and intention on their face.  Or images that display the grace of their technique.  These are the ones that I think are the most interesting.

Here are a few photographs that I took that are leaning towards this area.  And while I am far from proficient at this type of photography, I think I am starting to slowly get the hang of it.  It is definitely the hardest type of photography to do …

Liu Xiao Lei - Beijing

i like how liu xiao lei is so focused before she competes




it almost feels like physical music



you can see the look of anticipation on her face


such focus in his eyes


great intensity


the look on her face is soooo intense


ruhi took this one, so i can’t take credit.  but i like it.

Nan Quan competitors about to walk out

i like the anticipation in this shot.  they are all about to put 4 years of work on the line.


i like that some of them are smiling and laughing.

I’ve started a “wushu” photo gallery on my alivenotdead.com profile page.  You can also see ALL of the photographs from this event in my picasaweb gallery.

If you have any thoughts or like any of these photos let me know!

14 年多 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
Photo 30783
great pics mark! i started feeling a combination of excitement, anticipation, pressure, and enjoyment as i looked through those last few pics..
14 年多 ago
Photo 51946
I like this too
14 年多 ago
Photo 51946
帅哥~~ 嘻嘻
14 年多 ago
Photo 37095
GREAT SHARE! we love it!
14 年多 ago
Photo 31454
I'm sorry Mark but your picture is upside down hehe Aerial twist, i believe Patrick
14 年多 ago
Photo 31454
WOW something out of a video game
14 年多 ago
Photo 31454
I like this guys nanquan but i'm wondering what your take on it is. .. ?
14 年多 ago
Photo 37095
thay look like going to play Hockey or something haha :)
14 年多 ago


Get more information at narom.net and wushuzilla.com


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Xian, China
September 1, 2005