Official Artist
Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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From Concrete Does She Rise Like Mist

Seeing that woman was like witnessing mist rise from wet concrete as the sun penetrated storm-laden clouds right after a strong rain.It wasn't beauty in the traditional sense of how beauty is defined stereotypically in an overpriced fashion magazine. It was elegance and grace mixed with a dash of mischief... seasoned lightly with kind eyes and a, "hurts the back of your throat" type smile.Last night was the third night in a row that I dream't about her. There she stood, in the middle of the sidewalk in front of a used car parking lot. I don't know what she was doing, just standing there, but I was sitting down on the curb just a few feet away. In a fairly faded mirage of sunlight creasing breach of silhouette did she appear off to my right.I covered my eyes to make her form and definition and there witnessed those eyes and that smile. I asked her formal... and she said..."MEOW!"Miss Peppercorn decided to jump in my face at 3am and wake me just as the lady of mist was to reveal her name. Fucking cat.My hands were covered in dirt again, and my left arm still hurt from running into the Fresh Water vending machine outside of Safeway the day before on my bike. I imagined myself getting out of bed to take an Ibuprofin and a shot of whiskey to help me get back to sleep. Apparently, the fictional wanting of that moved me into a pseudo sleep and I proceeded to awkwardly rest for the next five hours until saying, "Fuck this" and getting out of bed to shower.All my Nike work is complete... and I don't have to work tomorrow, thus, ending over a month of back-to-back projects. This makes me pleased and depressed at the same time, just as most things do nowadays. The long walks, runs, and bike rides I voyage on daily help to level the confusion and make it manageable. Drinking makes it worse... so I rarely do I partake in too much alcohol these days.Aelora wanted me to get a cat because she was worried about me being alone all the time... and Miss Peppercorn is good company, but she does not make for a proper bed companion as she hogs the sheets and stretches herself out in the middle of the bed every night. Molly hog sheet bitch.I finally started editing the Persephone video we filmed two weeks ago. Progress is going good and I have a meeting with the grand and talented folks at ADi this coming Thursday. We're to discuss the evolution of the project into its post form. I much look forward to this discussion as it will shape the designs of my imagined story into a digital reality... not pliable by hands but absorptive through eyes and ears.Lady Wasteland has reared its head once more. Discussions are to commence with Industry Works in Canada regarding distribution and the possibility of preparations to pitch it as a TV show. We'll see... I've had these discussions before.There's something oddly theraputic about fighting zombies and avoiding George Romero on COD Black Ops at night.Quite enough writing for now.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.

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November 20, 2007