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Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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Lady Wasteland - Episode 5: No Breaks

Here we go... Episode 5 is now live and we've two more episodes left to post. Thus far, we've been getting an amazing response, tens of thousands of hits from sites all over the world... and even talks of possible syndication. While I am a "Believe it when the check is cashed and cleared" type of guy, it's nice to see so many people being entertained. I just hope we can continue to do so... which is why this trip into the wasteland has only begun. Releasing the episodes is just the beginning... getting the marketing of the show out there - that's going to be the real challenge.

So here I sit... blasting an old school techno song - Sandstorm, out of my system... and just going crazy trying not to dance and type at the same time.

Below is the most recent press release...


Lady Wasteland: A post apocalyptic webisode series - Episode five of seven pilot episodes released Friday, Dec 28th.

Portland, OR – December 28th, 2007 – Episode Five of the Lady Wasteland pilot series – No Breaks, goes live this Friday morning at 12:01am PST.

Episode 5: No Breaks - Yuri takes one down, and moves on to the next


Wasteland Films has been actively tracking the growing popularity of the series and thus far the series has been viewed tens of thousands of times. They’ve also received front-page placement on many major video sharing sites such as Revver.com and Crackle.com, where it received three editor’s choice awards.

Welcome to the wasteland. Enjoy the decay.


Mark Roush - Director

Greg Demchak - Producer

Lady Wasteland


about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.

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Member Since
November 20, 2007