Mark Roush
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Long nights into the wasteland

Came up with a new term today: Pavemeant - "That which is meant to be paved... i.e... anything not paved previously."

Went and saw Sweeny Todd last night. Man, what an incredibly awesome movie. I was shocked with how much I enjoyed it. Musicals in general are complex constructs of cinema, often not engaged by audiences in manners which compliment the intrinsic dynamics of what it takes to create them. With Sweeny Todd however, the idea that a story can so fluidly exist in a world with musical chaos and beauty really just impressed the hell out of me.

Lady Wasteland is going well. I am in Boston right now... and earlier today got an e-mail from my business partner and co-creator Greg Demchak about how we breached the 500k+ mark. Indeed this is a good day. People are watching the show, talking about it, comparing it to Firefly (which in my opinion... jeez... doesn't even hold-up... Firefly is way too awesome to be compared to a post-apocalyptic show like ours). Regardless, I'm pleased with how everything is turning out.

In other news, we're currently in talks with an interested company who would like to put in for a pilot cable episode so we'll see how that rolls out in the next few months.

Ok... I could type forever... but should get back to work.

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007