Official Artist
Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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Persephone Kickstarter Campaign Launches Next Week!

Almost ready to launch the Persephone Kickstarter Campaign! Please be sure to watch the video, once we go live, and consider supporting the final post stage of our production.Development & FundraisingWith production, animation, and CGI nearing its final stages... we're turning our attention to the audio portion of our work. With our composer and narrator locked down, the funds we're raising through this campaign will go towards the payment of their services, studio costs, and final development of the short film. Should we raise our base funds and go beyond... then all additional funds will be used to help pay for the film's 2013 festival circuit which begins this November, 2012!We'll be sure to post the link for our project once we go live! If you have the time, please check out our page and watch the video which includes some of the dreamlike imagery which you'll see in the final film!

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.

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United States
Member Since
November 20, 2007