In the world of Persephone, there exists a persuasive force that
offers the antagonists the choice to exchange their souls for a recipe
that would allow them to create the world's best taking chocolate.As I was writing the story, that persuasive force slowed morphed into a demon that was created from mist.When I first met with the team at
we carefully went over the storyboards and discussed everyone's thoughts
and creative ideas for each scene. During the progression of our
conversations, we finally got to the topic of the Mist Demon and that's
when ADI's Lead Character Animator
Donald Fergus became especially intrigued about the demon being imagined from the likeness of a cat.
the course of the following weeks, Donald put together many drawings
and renderings and his imagining of the character started coming to
life.When I visited ADi last week, I captured a quick interview of Donald regarding the evolution of the demon.CLICK HERE to watch the interview.Up soon: Building the Candy Shoppe
Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.