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Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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Press Release: Weevil and Nightshade's Compendium of Farables & Tales

 Film Director Publishes New Wave of Grimm Inspired TalesWhimsical tales confront society and humanity through combination of fables and parables known as farablesPORTLAND, Ore. – While Hollywood was recreating adult versions ofGrimms’ Fairy Taleson the big screen and TV audiences were captured with ABC’sOnce Upon a Time and NBC’s Grimm, film director Mark Roush was taking his own unique approach to storytelling.

A collection of short stories for teens and adults, writer and director Mark Roush published his book,Weevil and Nightshade’s Compendium of Farables & Tales, in Jan. 2013.

Mark defines afarableas, “A short story about an individual burdened with an uncanny quality, defect or mutation that eventually results in that person making a moral or ethical decision of a dark and complex nature.”

From Shannon Shee, who starves her own shadow, to Persephone, a living girl made of chocolate who is enslaved and abused by her guardians, Roush’s seven tales confront societal issues. For Shannon they’re self-esteem, body image, eating disorders and self-mutilation; for Persephone - materialism, greed, cruelty and abuse. In Little Miss Monkey Mary, the lead finds redemption through her troubles with abandonment and deformity.

Lyrically written, entertaining and intellectually stimulating, these are emotionally informative commentary cloaked in the skillful words of a storyteller whose characters cross the boundaries of reality.

“I wanted to be able to create stories that dealt with issues many fairy tales of old never approached. Something new and fresh which would hopefully invite discussion and conversation over such complex and sensitive subjects as anorexia, self-mutilation, and suicide.”

At once whimsical, inventive and insightful,Weevilprovides a touch of the offbeat. Those who miss the imagination of a child listening to a story but who want a little food for thought, maybe a chocolate arm, will be delighted.

Weevil and Nightshade’s Compendium of Farables & Tales Written by Mark Roush and illustrated by Carla Lee ISBN: 978-1-62407-693-0 80 pages Hardcover Retail price: $15.95 E-book price: .99 Amazon Link:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624076939 About the author Mark Roush is a writer and film director living in Oregon. He has written two optioned screenplays, as well as written and directed three short films and a webseries. He often infiltrates abandoned buildings for inspiration and spends time talking about life with his cat Miss Peppercorn.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEEDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:

Mark Roush


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