Mark Roush
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Radiators, Warewruckles and Work

The quiet is a companion who never interrupts you.It's amazing how many different voices you can come up with when you're by yourself. Thus far, I've traversed down multiple chordic contractions and numerous twisted vocal modulations which have brought me into worlds of half-crazed bakers, lazy dragons and southern gentlemen with a distaste for walking barefoot on crabgrass.Last week I worked on a Nike project... exercise videos with a touch of grace and systematic body placement. Then, there was a quick edit I put together for an EV motorcycle company, BRAMMO.It can be viewed here...Video: http://youtu.be/W9VaVS5Jqrg?hd=1I also picked up the radiator for my 1974 Mercury Comet. Now I can put her back together and stop driving the Mustang... of course, once it stops raining.A Warewruckle is what you get when you slam your hand in the washing machine door.Rehearsals for the short film, "Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete" are going well. Working with Alex has been a fun experience, as timing each scene to the exact second while read the narration and combining certain looks and moves at exact words has been a wonderful challenge and experience.More to write... but you're getting bored reading this because that pretty light on the wall is beginning to distract you.- Mark

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007