Mark Roush
导演, 剪接师, 製片人
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The Year of 2010

It has been quite a while since I've updated my blog on AliveNotDead so I figured I'd punch a few keys and let everyone know what's been going on.

The relaunch of Lady Wasteland ( www.ladywasteland.com ) is progressing quite well. Greg Demchak and I have finished writing 10 new episodes which, strung together, make up a solid hour and a half TV pilot. We have meetings set up with companies for product placement / integration thanks to the help of our new partner and marketing professional Nathan DeNiro and from that, shall be raising the additional funds needed to begin production - which we are hoping will happen later this year, 2010.

The new episodes for Lady Wasteland are much more complex in construct and story development. We've introduced many new characters and have expanded the world around the wasteland into a much broader, medieval-esque layout.

The pilot episodes have all been re-color corrected and edited into a 17 minute short film which is going to be used as a promotional tool to rekindle interest in the series - as it's been two years since the original pilot series was launched.

Outside of Lady Wasteland - I've been doing quite a bit of writing. Recently, I've been working with Remy Jambor, an artist and illustrator, on five short young adult stories I've written. Every story has a dark edge to them... but their overall messages carry weight, dealing with either a moral or ethical issues that exist in gray areas rather than simple black and white.

I have posted "Troubled Frederick McLinger Who Has Ten Tiny Mouths on the Tips of His Fingers" if anyone is interested in reading one.


Work-wise, I've been inundated with Nike projects and have been writing, directing and editing for a new medical company here in Portland, Oregon called MDiTV. http://www.mditv.com

Today, I'm doing breakdowns and budgets for the Lady Wasteland relaunch series, am going to scout out some new abandoned building to infiltrate for locations, replace the radiator in my 1974 Comet and go see a film... maybe the Runaways... who knows...



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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007