Mark Roush
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Upside down Toaster & Muddy Shoes Require “Murr” Cat

Often, it’s the case that, when living alone, things can sometimes happen which are odd but easily ignored.

One morning I went to the shower and the shampoo I bought a couple of weeks earlier, was empty. This is odd because a bottle normally lasts me a month, and last I checked… my hair didn’t grow longer.

Other oddities are most likely superficial mistakes anyone can normally make that you just don’t remember doing.

Toasters aren’t the type of thing you pay attention to everyday.

That is, unless you find it upside down one evening.

I woke up this morning and my hiking shoes were caked in mud. They were partly dried but overall mostly still wet so I washed them off outside.

No walking in mud occurred, mind you, but I could have sworn I went for a walk this morning before waking up. One of those, “Ugh, it’s 4:30AM and I don’t want to go to work”, type second-awake sleeps when you imagine yourself getting up, showering, eating and leaving the house while still nestled comfortably in bed.

Dream’t it… yes. Awoke to muddy shoes… yes. Do I have a normal job? No… I am a freelancer and wake up when I choose. So whatever, I washed off the mud and that’s that.

There has been a white van parked down my street for a couple of weeks now and I don’t know anyone here who drives a white van in my area.

My loneliness has intruded into my imagination and I have decided to get a companion kitty cat.

It’s name will be, "Murr", unless it tells me otherwise.

The Persephone project is going well. My lead actress apparently rolled down a 50 ft. cliff today at the coast and is doing just fine.

Another Nike project is coming up the week before my shoot… so squeezing in rehearsal time will be a challenge but it shall be done.

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007